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Episode 072: Insight Into What?
The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast - Episode 072 So called insight meditation practices are perhaps the most widely diffused in the west, in terms of what people think of as buddhism. today we'll expand our view and understand something of value when it comes to the nature and meaning of the next level of dharma teaching as it pertains to concentration, insight into our recovery and ourselves as compassion seeking addicts in recovery.
Episode 071: Emotional Surrender – How to Be Non-Toxic
The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast - Episode 071 Emotional Surrender: How to Be Non-Toxic. Addicts are very sensitive, empathic, highly emotional creatures. The inability to be comfortable in our own skin creates suffering that contributes to our addiction and other dysfunction. How does Dharma deal with toxic emotions and people?
Episode 070 – Wait for It… Patience Never Comes; Practices of a Bodhisattva #27
Teachings ask us to practice the perfection or paramita of patience. But as any good addict knows, it’s never fast enough for us. We operate on our own time, often […]
Episode 069 -The Horny Buddhist: Sex and the Dharma; Practices of a Bodhisattva #26
How does a Buddhist deal with the sex drive, sex roles, morays, expectations, taboos in the dharma, and the dharma of recovery? What role does trauma, particularly sexual trauma, play […]
Episode 068: The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – Making Buddhist Amends; Practices of a Bodhisattva #25
How does a Buddha make amends? In 12-Step, we learn the necessity not of insincere apology, but absolute willingness to right the wrongs we’ve done. Given that we’ve accumulated infinite […]
Episode 067: The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – Sacred Space; Practices of a Bodhisattva #24
From the beginning of beginningless time, when we separate subject and object, we create infinite causes for suffering.
Episode 066: The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – Effortless Meditation with Guest Instructor Igor Berkhin
This week, we meditate effortlessly. Join me as we practice together with an excellent instructor in the Dzogchen space.Igor Berkhin is a long-term meditation practitioner, a Buddhist translator, and a […]
Episode 065: The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – How Deep is Your Dharma; Practices of a Bodhisattva #23
Do you want to be free of suffering, or do you love it too much? Training on the path of compassion will ultimately free us from all attachments, if we […]
Episode 064: The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – Free Yourself; Practices of a Bodhisattva #22
The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – Episode 064 In Twelve step programs, we’re taught that we must free ourselves from the “bondage of self.” What does this mean for us as […]
Episode 063: The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – McMindfulness; Practices of a Bodhisattva #21
The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast – Episode 063 Is Mindfulness being co-opted more by corporations, or our egos? McMindfulness in the context of meaningful recovery that includes training in self-compassion and […]

Photo courtesy @dan_cey_

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